Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fun Spanish Moments--Cross Cultural Experience

So, I was pumping gas a couple of days ago and my cell phone rang... now, we have all seen the signs saying you are not supposed to use your phone while pumping gas-- I even saw a Mythbusters on this once, but I have never known people to be really serious about it. And because it is illegal to talk on the phone while driving, I seized the opportunity, answered the phone, and started talking. About 10 seconds into my conversation, I realized the pump had stopped-- well before the tank was full. Not wanting to end my conversation I simply ended my pumping session and headed into the store to pay--Spain, please get pay at the pump for all of us foreigners! As I got closer I noticed that the whole place was staring at me like I had just killed the pope. I quickly realized why. As I stepped up to pay , the attendant proceeded to give me a long lecture about how I was not to be on the phone while pumping gas and how she had cut me off. I told her I was so sorry, that I was a stupid American and that on Mythbusters they had proven this to be a non-issue. However, she did not understand English so I returned to my half full tank and continued on my way...


lyndsay said...

go mythbusters, go! you should keep episodes in your car ready to hand over in such occasions. glad you didn't blow the place up...or shoot the pope.

Keri said...

We enjoyed this post. :) David pretty much only uses the ones where you drive through - like Carrefour. Hope you all are doing well!

Unknown said...


The Newvines said...

This was hilarious! You probably don't remember me, but my group came to paint the Young Life house about 3 years ago ... and we bought your van from the Evans! Wanted to see how you guys were doing and glad you are getting to stay in Spain! Blessings to you and your family! Joy